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Johannesburg recent comments:

  • Men's Health Clinics, George132 wrote 1 year ago:
  • Chiawelo Clinic, Jaymusa wrote 6 years ago:
    CALLE NOW OR WHATSSAP ME NOW 0735885132 07735885132___+27735885132 ____+27735885132___+27735885132___+27735885132__in manzini+27735885132___))*^^+27735885132_____+27735885132___+27735885132____+27735885132^^**abortion 27735885132 Womens Care Clinic - For Safe Termination DR MERCY____Cytotec (Misoprostol) Pills Without Prescr iption: +27735885132Affordable Abortion Clinics / Safe Abortion Pills for sale For Appointment or Deliveries Please Call: /// 0735885132__
  • Chiawelo Clinic, Jaymusa wrote 6 years ago:
    CALLE NOW OR WHATSSAP ME NOW 0735885132 07735885132___+27735885132 ____+27735885132___+27735885132___+27735885132__in manzini+27735885132___))*^^+27735885132_____+27735885132___+27735885132____+27735885132^^**abortion 27735885132 Womens Care Clinic - For Safe Termination DR MERCY____Cytotec (Misoprostol) Pills Without Prescr iption: +27735885132Affordable Abortion Clinics / Safe Abortion Pills for sale For Appointment or Deliveries Please Call: /// 0735885132__SAME DAY
  • Chiawelo Clinic, Pretty (guest) wrote 6 years ago:
    Hey I'm 3mnths just told my man he left so wanna hang an abortion
  • Chiawelo Clinic, Pretty (guest) wrote 6 years ago:
    Hi I'm 3mnth so need to get it out of me wen can I come?
  • Leeuwkop Prison, FORTUNATE (guest) wrote 6 years ago:
    Good morning kindly please explain to me how to go to Leeuwkop prison coming from Johannesburg Soweto using a public transport
  • Pick 'n Pay Head Office, Kensington, Jeanne Campbell (guest) wrote 6 years ago:
    Pick n Pay Nicolway - The layout of the store was changed towards the end of 2018 and new 'signs' or 'banners' or 'aisle information boards' were hung from the ceilings. The word 'mineral' is spelt incorrectly, on the board advising customers where to find the mineral water'. It is spelt 'minerl'. The copywriter and the person that signed off the art work (authorising person) need to be spoken to as well as the store manager. There are two ways to solve this, either remove the sign completely, the disadvantage is that customers will not be able to find the mineral water, or place a piece of paper over the incorrect spelling with the correct spelling. I am sure that the branding experts will say that this idea will damage the corporate image. Incorrect spelling is unacceptable and more damaging in the long term. Pick n Pay is promoting stationery and attending school but has sings with incorrect spelling, this is a paradox. The first response will be, "the sign writers are closed", however an alternative solution could be found rather than hanging the sign and waiting for it to be changed.
  • Pick 'n Pay Head Office, Kensington, Will (guest) wrote 6 years ago:
    The till slips at P&P Heathway is illegible to read. Numerous complaints in this regard directed to this shop ignored, only response that they do not have the required ink ribbons. Poor service - result, changed shopping venue.
  • Leeuwkop Prison, Alice (guest) wrote 6 years ago:
    good day kindly advice how to go to leeuwkop prison coming from Johannesburg: I am using a public transport
  • Cadbury South Africa, Andre (guest) wrote 7 years ago:
    I recently noticed that Cadbury chocolate bars taste very different. I've realized it's because of reduced cocoa content. They've started tasting like the cheap imported chocolates you see in supermarkets during Easter. Please go back to the original recipe.
  • Leeuwkop Prison, Mpala sbongile wrote 7 years ago:
    Is always calling my wife
  • Leeuwkop Prison, Mpala sbongile wrote 7 years ago:
    I need guy how always calling my while is in prison his name is Mandla P Hadebe he was a umber tax the time they arrest him when he comes out l will kill him
  • Helen Joseph Hospital, FIEROSA RAJAH (guest) wrote 7 years ago:
    Good day RE: PATIENT RASHIEDA SCHARNICK DOB...30/06/1950 I refer to below email from Ridwaan Smith and myself on various occasions to date no response in answers, as this is now 7 weeks down the line and our mother is still in same condition since 10th January 2018, to date we just hear no change, we need to know what is being done in this regard. We also a wait daily to weekly feedback on her recovery state as promised As we all know: Approximately 80% of patients who are successfully resuscitated from cardiac arrest do not regain consciousness immediately after return of spontaneous circulation, and may remain in a coma for hours or weeks, or even be in a persistent vegetative state So what is her state since its been 7 weeks down the line, which was the time frame fro her to wake up as per Dr Laher Cardiac arrest results in the cessation of spontaneous circulation, which causes hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy, if not given within the 6 minutes, was this done – what reports will show us that this was adhered to , which Intern DRS did this, did they do it on time Is this , long-term or is she in a permanent coma, or persistent vegetative state, does she get seizures, and myoclonus We know – the Predicting the outcome following cardiac arrest for survivors who are comatose following resuscitation is the source of much consternation among emergency room and intensive care unit (ICU) physicians, as well as family members. We await increasing emphasis on identifying clinical, imaging, or molecular biomarkers that can reliably predict long-term outcome. We think pre-clinical studies found that therapeutic resuscitative hypothermia was very effective in improving neurologic recovery after arrest for various lengths of time Is there Clinical characteristics of poor outcomes for patients who remain comatose after cardiac arrest* We know Cardiac arrest and loss of spontaneous circulation causes global cerebral ischemia. Molecular markers of neuronal distress might be expected to be elevated in proportion to the severity of ischemia, and thereby reflect the likelihood of prolonged coma Could it be that - prolonged coma or vegetative state may be more due to a disruption of cerebral physiology than to anatomic injury We want - complete neurologic and functional recovery results – clinical trials report to show that it is continuously conducted to better define the benefits of the therapy, treatment parameters, and duration of effect. remember that EEG is suppressed by anesthetic agents and by hypothermia, both of which may produce electro-cerebral silence and burst suppression we know and you as Medical Practioners know – The state of complete unconsciousness with no eye opening is called coma. The state of complete unconsciousness with some eye opening and periods of wakefulness and sleep is called the vegetative state – so please give us answers Characteristics of the vegetative state • Return of a sleep-wake cycle with periods of eye opening and eye closing • May moan or make other sounds especially when tight muscles are stretched • May cry or smile or make other facial expressions without apparent cause • May briefly move eyes toward persons or objects • May react to a loud sound with a startle • Unable to follow instructions • No speech or other forms of communication • No purposeful movement Persons in coma or vegetative state require extensive care that may include: 1. Feeding using a feeding tube 2. Turning in bed to prevent pressure sores 3. Special bedding to help prevent pressure sores 4. Assistance with bowel and bladder relief using catheter and/or diapers 5. Management of breathing such as suctioning of secretions; this may include care for a tracheostomy tube 6. Management of muscle tone (excessive tightness of muscles) 7. Special equipment that may include a wheelchair or special bedding to help with proper posture and decrease muscle tightness 8. Management of infections such as pneumonia or urinary tract infections 9. Management of other medical issues such as fever, seizures, etc. /// YOU KNOW THAT Persons with brain injury transition through the period of unconsciousness and subsequent stages of recovery at a slower or faster rate, largely depending on the severity of injury. Those with less severe injuries may transition through these stages more rapidly and some of the stages described here may be poorly recognized or not occur at all. Those with very severe injuries may stall at one or another stage and not be able to make the transition to a higher level of recovery. For persons with more prolonged periods of unconsciousness, emergence from unconsciousness is a gradual process. Coma rarely lasts more than 4 weeks. Some patients move from coma to the vegetative state but others may move from coma to a period of partial consciousness. It would be very rare for a person to move directly from coma, or vegetative state, to a state of full consciousness. We want to know the : Pathological findings in disorders of her unconsciousness following severe brain injury, that was caused by Intern Drs in ICU on the 10th January 2018 Linking time frames of recovery following severe brain injury to underlying pathophysiological mechanisms Role of changes in brain structure in the recovery process Proposed “mesocircuit” model underlying forebrain dysfunction and interventions in severe brain injuries Implications of the mesocircuit model for recovery of consciousness after severe brain injury Changes in cerebral metabolism associated with zolpidem administration in severe brain-injury Electrical stimulation of central thalamus in minimally unconscious state behavior and integrative cerebral function WE AWAIT YOUR RESPONSE TO ALL OUR EMAILS – WE AWAIT UPDATES ON OUR MOTHER RECOVERY DAILY, WEEKLY, WHAT TREATMENT IS GIVEN, AND DOES IT HELP HER IN ANY WAY- AS SHE JUST DETORIATING DAILY- PICK UP HOSPITAL BUGS, WHICH WE NEED TO CONSENT FOR SURVEYS- WHAT WILL ALL THIS DO TO HER CURRENT HEALTH DIAGNOSIS – ON VARIOUS ILLNESS IS COMING UP- WHICH SHE NEVER HAD – AND WAS NOT EVEN PICKED UP SINCE 2ND JANUARY 2018 SOMEONE NEED TO TAKE RESPONSIBILITY FOR THIS NEGLIGENCE THEATRE , ICU, INTERN DRS
  • Chiawelo Clinic, Dr mercy (guest) wrote 7 years ago:
    DR MERCY CALLE NOW OR WHATSSAP ME NOW 0735885132 07735885132___+27735885132 ____+27735885132___+27735885132___+27735885132__in manzini+27735885132___))*^^+27735885132_____+27735885132___+27735885132____+27735885132^^**abortion 27735885132 Womens Care Clinic - For Safe Termination DR MERCY____Cytotec (Misoprostol) Pills Without Prescr iption: +27735885132Affordable Abortion Clinics / Safe Abortion Pills for sale For Appointment or Deliveries Please Call: /// 0735885132__SAME DAY ABORTION, SAFE AND PAIN FREE…?????? **** www.0735885132.coz
  • Multichoice Head Office, stella cruz (guest) wrote 7 years ago:
    hi I am a customer of multichoice Zambia and I have a complaint that has not been dealt with in Zambia could I please an email address to explain as to what I am not happy about
  • Xavier Testing Center, Aneesa (guest) wrote 7 years ago:
    Went to book a learners license at 8am on Tuesday and was turned away stating they were full. We were told that we have to cue from 6am. Today went just after 7 and waited.We were let in at 8am. It took over 4 hours waiting in the queue to do the eye test. Onto another queue to pay. Only one cashier. Still waiting in the queue. Going to be here the whole day. Have not yet eaten today. Totally unacceptable!
  • Wilrogate Shopping Centre, Joerg (guest) wrote 7 years ago:
    Best Biltong store by far
  • Pick 'n Pay Head Office, Kensington, Curtis (guest) wrote 7 years ago:
    I have ordered on line for a number of years. the service is pathetic to say the least. They have been late on a number of occasions and expect you to pack all the lose stuff in the car as they do not supply bags. Rather purchase from Checkers, even if they are a bit better it will beat the current lack of service.
  • Chiawelo Clinic, aisha musa (guest) wrote 7 years ago:
    call or whatsapp +27827975892 or +27633867063 safe pain free abortion pills for sale in soweto or visit bara Braamfischerville Tshiawelo chiawelo Diepkloof Dlamini Dobsonville Doornkop Dube Emdeni ​fourways Greenvillage Jabavu Jabulani Klipspruit Kliptown Lakeside Mapetla Meadowlands "Ndofaya" Mmesi Park Mofolo Molapo Moletsane Moroka Naledi Noordgesig Orlando Phefeni Phiri Pimville Power Park Protea Glen Protea North Protea South protea glen rigde Senaoane Tladi Zola Zondi
  • Chiawelo Clinic, chris (guest) wrote 7 years ago:
    apparently they closed now nd opening on the 4th sep